Store Policy & Info

Shipping Policy

This policy stipulates the conditions for refunds of the prices (hereinafter simply referred to as "prices") for the products and services sold or provided by our company.

(Refund conditions)

1. We will refund the amount already received to the customer only in the following cases:
(i) When the sale or provision of products or services is not made or is significantly delayed due to reasons attributable to our company.
(2) If the Company determines that all or part of the goods or services are damaged or defective.
(3) In cases other than those specified in the preceding paragraphs, where the Company specifically approves a refund of the price.
2 Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the Company shall not be obligated to refund the fee in any of the following cases, except in cases where the Company specifically approves the refund of the fee pursuant to item 3 of the preceding paragraph.
1. When the sale or provision of products and services by our company to the customer is not made or is significantly delayed due to reasons attributable to the customer (including, but not limited to, when information necessary for the sale or provision of products and services is not provided and when the customer does not provide cooperation necessary for the sale or provision of products and services). 2. When damage to or a defect occurs in all or part of the products or services due to reasons attributable to the customer. 3. When the customer has already started to use the products or services.

(Request for refund)

1. If the customer wishes to receive a refund, he/she must apply for a refund to our company in a manner separately specified by our company. The customer must bear the costs of this application (including communication costs, postage costs, and other costs).
2. When we receive an application under the preceding paragraph, we will promptly examine whether or not to refund the fee, and once the examination is complete, we will notify the customer of the examination result by the method specified by our company.

(Refund method and timing)

1. In the event that we issue a refund, we will do so by a method separately specified by us. All costs required for the refund (including bank transfer fees, etc.) will be borne by us.
2. The timing of the refund based on the preceding paragraph will be separately specified by our company.

(Return of goods, etc.)

1. In order to receive a refund, the customer must bring or send the received product to the place designated by the company by the time and method designated by the company, unless otherwise specified by the company.
2. In the event that the Customer receives a refund of the fee, the Customer shall immediately discontinue use of the provided services or restore the provided services to their original state by a time separately designated by the Company, unless otherwise permitted by the Company.
3. The costs of bringing or sending the products and restoring the services to their original condition as set forth in the preceding two paragraphs (including transportation costs, bank transfer fees, etc.) shall be borne by the customer, unless otherwise approved by the Company.


1. When our company conducts mail order sales, the provisions regarding the cooling-off period in the Act on Specified Commercial Transactions (hereinafter referred to as the "Act on Specified Commercial Transactions") shall not apply.
2. Except as otherwise provided in this Policy, customers may not withdraw their application for or cancel a contract for the sale or provision of products and/or services (hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement"), and the main text of Article 15-3, Paragraph 1 of the Specified Commercial Transactions Act shall not apply to this Agreement.

(Relationship with the Terms of Use)

1 This policy is a part of the Terms of Use, and the provisions of the Terms of Use shall apply to any matters not stipulated in this policy.
2 In the event of any conflict between the provisions of this Policy and the Terms of Use, the provisions of this Policy shall take precedence.
Established on January 11, 2024

privacy policy

Information we collect from you We collect the following information from you:

  • Name (including nicknames and pen names)
  • Age or date of birth
  • sex
  • email address
  • telephone number
  • address
  • Information regarding your payment methods, such as credit cards, bank accounts, and electronic money
  • ID used by the customer in external services, and other information that the customer has permitted disclosure to the partner through the privacy settings of the external services
  • Usage history of our app, such as launch time, input history, purchase history, etc.
  • Customer behavior history on our website, such as time spent on our website, input history, purchase history, etc.
  • Photos and videos
  • Your location
  • Information about the operating system and device you use, such as the ID generated by the operating system, the type of device, and device identifiers
  • Identification information generated using cookies

How we use your information

We use the information we obtain from you for the following purposes:

  • To accept registrations for our services, and to verify and authenticate customers
  • To manage your usage history of our services
  • To settle usage fees
  • To analyze customer behavior history on our services and use it to maintain and improve our services
  • To provide information about our services
  • To respond to customer inquiries
  • To respond to any violations of our terms and conditions or laws and regulations
  • To notify you of changes, discontinuation, termination, or cancellation of our services
  • To notify you of changes to our terms and conditions
  • In addition to the above, to provide, maintain, protect and improve our services

Measures taken for safety management

If you contact us at the contact details listed at the end of this page regarding the measures we have taken to safely manage the information we obtain from you, we will respond to you individually in accordance with the provisions of the law.

Provision to third parties

We will not provide any information obtained from customers that corresponds to personal data (Article 16, Paragraph 3 of the Personal Information Protection Act) to a third party (including those outside Japan) without the customer's prior consent. However, the following cases will be excluded:
  • When outsourcing the handling of personal data
  • If our company or our services are acquired
  • When sharing with business partners (if there is specific sharing, the details will be announced separately)
  • Other cases where provision to a third party is legally permitted by law.

Changes to this Privacy Policy

The Company may change the contents of this Privacy Policy as necessary. In such cases, the Company will notify or notify you of the effective date and contents of the revised Privacy Policy in an appropriate manner.


If you wish to disclose, correct, suspend, or delete your information, please contact us at the email address listed below.
In this case, we will verify that the request is coming from you by a method designated by our company, such as by showing your driver's license. Please note that for requests for disclosure of information, an administrative fee of 1,000 yen will be charged for each request, regardless of whether disclosure is made or not.

Name of business operator

Hippada Fashion Eriko Kokuren

Business address

3-14-6-1 Natsumi, Funabashi City, Chiba Prefecture
Established on January 6, 2024
Revised on January 11, 2024


terms of service

These Terms of Use (hereinafter referred to as "these Terms") stipulate the conditions of use of the Service (which includes the Site, and hereinafter there is no distinction between the two). These Terms apply to all users of the Service.

Agreement to these terms

By using the Service, the User is deemed to have validly and irrevocably agreed to these Terms. Users who do not agree to these Terms may not use the Service.

User registration

Those who wish to use this service may register to use this service by agreeing to these terms and conditions, applying for registration in a manner specified by our company, and having our company approve the application.

Registration refusal

If the Company determines that any of the following circumstances exist, the Company may not approve your application for user registration. The Company bears no obligation to disclose the reasons for refusing registration.
  • If false information is reported
  • If the application is from someone who has previously violated these terms and conditions
  • Any other case in which the Company determines that registration is inappropriate

Use by minors

If the User is a minor, he/she must obtain the consent of a legal guardian before using the Service. If the User begins using the Service without the consent of a legal guardian and then reaches adulthood, the User will be deemed to have ratified the use of the Service while the User was a minor.

Managing login information

Users shall properly manage the login information for this service at their own responsibility. Users may not, under any circumstances, transfer or lend their login information to a third party, or share it with a third party. The Company shall not be liable for any damages incurred as a result of a third party using the login information, except in cases where the Company is guilty of willful misconduct or gross negligence.

Buying and Selling Products

The payment method, timing of transfer of ownership, delivery method, method of canceling purchase application, or method of return of products sold by our company in this service shall be in accordance with the indication based on the Specified Commercial Transactions Act or other method separately determined by our company. If the user falls under any of the following reasons, our company may cancel the sales contract with the user without prior notice to the user. In such case, our company shall not be liable for compensation to the user .
  • If the user violates these terms and conditions
  • If the delivery of the product cannot be completed due to an unknown address or a long absence
  • If the Company determines that the trust between the Company and the User has been damaged

Use of Content

The Company grants users permission to make personal use of the text, images, videos, audio, music, software, programs, codes and other content provided by the Service within the scope of use of the Service. For paid content, personal use within the scope of use of the Service will be granted upon completion of payment of the usage fee set by the Company. This is a non-exclusive right of use that cannot be transferred or sublicensed. Any use of the content provided by the Service beyond this scope is strictly prohibited. Regardless of the reason, if the User loses the right to use the Service, the User agrees in advance that they will no longer be able to use any of the content of the Service.


The Company may issue points unique to the Company or the Service. Details of such cases will be determined separately within the Service or in other designated places of the Company.


The Company may issue virtual currencies (hereinafter referred to as "Virtual Currencies") that are unique to the Company or the Service.

Late fee

Any User who delays payment of any monetary debt to the Company shall pay to the Company late payment charges at the rate of 14.6% per annum.

Displaying ads

The Company may display advertisements for the Company or third parties on the Service.

Prohibited matter

When using this service, users are prohibited from engaging in the following acts.
  • Any act that violates or aids in violation of laws, regulations, court rulings, decisions or orders, or legally binding administrative measures
  • Any activity related to criminal activity
  • Any act that infringes the intellectual property rights of our company or any third party.
  • Actions that infringe on the image rights, privacy, reputation, or other rights or interests of the Company or any third party.
  • Any act that places an excessive burden on the servers or networks of the Company or any third party, or interferes with their normal operation
  • Any act that may disrupt the operation of our services
  • Unauthorized access or attempted access
  • Analyzing the source code of the Service by disassembling, decompiling, reverse engineering, etc.
  • Unauthorized access to systems connected to the Service or unauthorized rewriting or erasing of information stored in the Company's facilities
  • Reproduction, transmission, transfer, loan, or modification of the website or software of this Service
  • Lending, transferring, buying or selling accounts or content on the Service to third parties for a fee.
  • Commercially using information obtained through this service
  • Any act aimed at obtaining profits in relation to the Service in a manner not intended by the Company
  • Any publicity, advertising, solicitation, or sales activities on the Service that are not permitted by our company
  • Collecting or storing personal information about other users
  • Using the Service for illegal, fraudulent or improper purposes
  • Any action that causes disadvantage, damage, or offense to other users of the Service or other third parties.
  • Impersonating other users
  • Using another user's account
  • Actions aimed at meeting members of the opposite sex who the person has not met
  • Any act of directly or indirectly providing benefits to antisocial forces
  • Actions that violate public order and morals
  • Using the Service while walking, driving a vehicle, or in other situations or circumstances in which the use of the Service is inappropriate
  • Any other actions that the Company deems inappropriate

Exclusion of antisocial forces

The User represents and warrants that none of the following items apply to him/her and will not apply to him/her in the future.
  • The person (including the person's directors in the case of a corporation or other organization) is a member of an organized crime group, a member of an organized crime group, a person who has been a member of an organized crime group within the past five years, a semi-regular member of an organized crime group, a company related to an organized crime group, a corporate racketeer, a social activist, a special intelligence violent group, or any other person equivalent thereto (hereinafter collectively referred to as "organized crime group member, etc.").
  • If the user is a corporation or other organization, that user has a relationship that is deemed to give rise to control over the management of the organization by a member of an organized crime group or the like
  • If the user is a corporation or other organization, that user has a relationship that is deemed to be substantially involved in the management of the organization.
  • Having a relationship that is deemed to be using members of organized crime groups, such as conducting transactions with the purpose of obtaining wrongful benefits for oneself or a third party, or causing damage to a third party
  • Having a relationship that is deemed to be involved in providing funds or convenience to members of organized crime groups
  • If the User is a corporation or other organization, that its officers or persons substantially involved in its management have a socially reprehensible relationship with a member of an organized crime group, etc.
The User warrants that he/she will not, either by himself/herself or through a third party, engage in any of the following acts:
  • Violent demands
  • Unreasonable demands that go beyond legal responsibility
  • Threatening behavior or violence in relation to transactions
  • Any act of spreading false rumours, using fraudulent means or using force to damage the Company's credibility or interfere with the Company's business
  • Any other acts similar to those listed above

usage limit

If the User falls under any of the following items, the Company may, without prior notice, restrict the User from using all or part of the Service or cancel the User's registration. The Company shall not be liable for any damages incurred by the User as a result of any action taken by the Company under this Article.
  • If you violate any provision of these Terms and Conditions
  • If it is discovered that there is a false statement in the registration information
  • In the event of a default on financial obligations
  • If there is no response to our contact even after a reasonable period of time has passed
  • If you have not used this service for a considerable period of time since your last use
  • If the Company determines that a person is a member of an antisocial force or has some kind of interaction or involvement with an antisocial force
  • Any other case in which the Company determines that use of the Service is inappropriate

Suspension of provision of this service

If the Company determines that any of the following events occur, the Company may suspend or interrupt the provision of all or part of the Service without prior notice to the User. The Company shall not be liable for any disadvantage or damage suffered by the User or a third party in such case.
  • When carrying out maintenance, inspection, or updates of computer systems related to the Service
  • When it becomes difficult to provide the Service due to force majeure such as earthquakes, lightning strikes, fires, power outages, natural disasters, or the spread of viruses.
  • When a computer or communication line is stopped due to an accident
  • Any other case in which the Company determines it is difficult to provide the Service.


Users may cancel their registration and withdraw from the Service by following the procedures specified by our company.

Disclaimer of Warranties

The Company does not guarantee that the Service or the content provided by the Service will be free from system bugs or infringement of third party rights, nor does it guarantee the safety, reliability, accuracy, completeness, validity, or suitability for a particular purpose.


The Company shall not be liable for any damages incurred by the User in relation to the Service. However, if the contract between the Company and the User in relation to the Service (including these Terms) is a consumer contract as defined by the Consumer Contract Act, this disclaimer shall not apply. Even if it is a consumer contract, the Company shall only be liable for damages incurred by the User directly and actually due to the Company's negligence (excluding gross negligence), and the amount of such compensation shall be limited to the lesser of the most recent month's usage fee for the Service or 10,000 yen.

Changes to service content

The Company reserves the right to change the content of the Service, or to suspend or terminate the provision of the Service, without notifying the User. The Company shall not be liable for any damages incurred by the User as a result of such change.

Changes to Terms of Use

We may change these terms at any time without notifying users. The changed terms will take effect from the time they are posted on our website. Users who continue to use the service after the terms are changed will be deemed to have agreed to the changed terms.

Handling of Personal Information

Personal information of users obtained through the use of this service will be handled appropriately in accordance with our privacy policy .

Notification or Contact

Any notice or communication between the user and our company shall be made in the manner specified by our company. Unless the user notifies us of any changes in accordance with the method separately specified by our company, our company will consider the currently registered contact information to be valid and will notify or contact the user via that contact information, and such notice or communication will be deemed to have reached the user at the time of sending .

Transfer of rights and obligations

Users may not transfer or pledge as security to a third party their status under the Service Agreement or their rights or obligations under these Terms and Conditions without our prior written consent.

Business Transfer

In the event that the Company transfers the business related to the Service to another company (including business transfer, company division, and any other cases in which the business is transferred), the Company may transfer the status under the Service Agreement, the rights and obligations under these Terms, and the User's information to the transferee of the business. The User is deemed to have consented to such transfer in advance.


These Terms shall apply to all relationships between the User and the Company regarding the use of the Service. In addition to these Terms, the Company may establish rules for use of the Service. These rules, regardless of their name, shall constitute a part of these Terms. In the event of any conflict between these Rules and these Rules, these Rules shall take precedence.


If any provision or portion of this Agreement is held to be invalid or unenforceable, such holding will not affect any other provisions and the remainder of this Agreement will remain valid and enforceable.

Governing Law and Jurisdiction

The interpretation of these Terms shall be governed by the laws of Japan. Any disputes arising in relation to the Service shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the district court with jurisdiction over the location of our head office .
Established on January 7, 2024
Revised on January 11, 2024


Shipping Policy

This policy stipulates the terms and conditions regarding the delivery of products sold by our company.

(Delivery of Products)

1. When a customer purchases a product, the Company will deliver the product to a location separately designated by the customer (hereinafter referred to as the "delivery destination").
2. We may entrust the delivery specified in the preceding paragraph to a delivery company or other third party (hereinafter referred to as the "Delivery Company").

(Product delivery time)

1. Our company will deliver the product to the delivery address promptly after the purchase of the product is confirmed. However, delivery may take some time depending on our business situation, work situation, weather, traffic conditions, the region of the delivery address, etc.
2. In the event of a delay in delivery caused by any of the reasons set out in the following items, even if such damage is incurred by the customer, the Company shall not be liable to compensate for such damage, nor shall the Company be liable to refund or reduce any other price or delivery charges.
1. Unforeseeable abnormal traffic disturbance
2. Earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, storms, landslides and other natural disasters
(iii) Suspension of business of delivery companies or public transportation facilities, strikes, etc.

(Shipping fee)

The Customer shall pay the prescribed delivery fee set by the Company as follows, unless the Company specifically provides free delivery.
Shipping fee is 600 yen, but if the purchase amount is 10,000 yen or more, shipping is free

(Handling when delivery is not completed)

1. If the Company is unable to complete delivery of the Product due to any of the following reasons, the Company may collect the Product and charge the Customer for the costs incurred in the collection (including commission fees to the delivery company, etc.), and may, at its discretion, cancel the contract for the Product.
1. If the recipient is absent and does not request redelivery within the delivery company's storage period
(2) There is an error in the information regarding the delivery destination, making it impossible to deliver the item.
3. The delivery addressee refuses to accept the item.
2 In the case set forth in the preceding paragraph, if damage is caused to the Company, the Company may claim compensation for such damage (including reasonable attorney's fees) from the customer.

(Delays or damage caused by delivery companies, etc.)

1. We shall not be liable for any delay in delivery or damage to products caused by reasons attributable to the delivery company.
2. If any trouble or dispute arises between the customer and the delivery company, the customer shall resolve it at their own responsibility and expense, and the Company shall have no obligation to become involved in such trouble or dispute.

(Inquiries regarding delivery)

If we outsource delivery to a delivery company, please contact the delivery company directly for any inquiries regarding delivery.

(Relationship with the Terms of Use)

1 This policy is a part of the Terms of Use, and the provisions of the Terms of Use shall apply to any matters not stipulated in this policy.
2 In the event of any conflict between the provisions of this Policy and the Terms of Use, the provisions of this Policy shall take precedence.
Established on January 11, 2024

Disclosure based on the Specified Commercial Transactions Act

Name of business operator

Eriko Cochran


3-14-6-1 Natsumi, Funabashi City, Chiba Prefecture

telephone number


email address

Sales price of goods/commendation of services

Prices displayed on the purchase page of each product or service

Expenses required other than the consideration

Please pay the shipping fee separately from the product price. (Free shipping for purchases over 10,000 yen)

Payment method and timing

Listed on the purchase page of each product or service

Timing of delivery of goods or provision of services

10 to 14 days after payment confirmation (excluding weekends and holidays)

Special terms regarding returns and cancellations

We do not accept returns or cancellations after the purchase process has been completed.

Operating environment

The operating environment and required specifications for the device required to use the product or receive the service will be displayed on the purchase page.


For products or services that have special sales or provision terms, these terms will be displayed on the respective purchase pages.
Established on January 7, 2024
Revised on January 11, 2024